
Facing the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage

Facing The Cybersecurity Talent Shortage As A Tech Provider

In the Philippines, the Cybersecurity Awareness Month is held every September, while in the U.S, it’s celebrated in October. In both occasions, it is a collaborative effort between the government and the industry to raise awareness on how crucial and important Cybersecurity is. However, the real question is, “Is awareness enough?”


Studies revealed that there’s a shortage of talent to fill cybersecurity positions all over the world. Unfilled cybersecurity jobs due to a severe scarcity of available individuals with the right skills are currently estimated to be close to 3 million globally. That’s quite a number, considering the changing threat landscape and the increasing frequency of cyber-attacks organizations must face.


This talent pool problem is not new. The issue has been highlighted by the industry for the last 5 to 10 years. The cybersecurity skill gap continues to accelerate and is now considered one of the top cybersecurity risks faced by many organizations.

A Systematic Issue


In this age of data breach, the real challenge goes beyond the lack of professionals. There is not enough interest generated in schools. This leads to fewer graduates with technical skills and discipline. Even today’s technology users suffer from a lack of knowledge on basic threats, putting the organization they work for at risk. All these branches out from the failure to understand that cybersecurity is everyone’s job.


How can Tech Providers Help?


Closing the talent gap will require support from both the public and private sectors through education, training, and mentoring for both professional and everyday tech users. Since the threat landscape is evolving, proper and regular cybersecurity updates become an imperative for individuals and organizations.


MEC Networks has a proven track record of providing trainings and enabling customers through regular knowledge transfer initiatives. Through this, we guarantee that our clients receive quality support and information in every stage of their ICT development. If you would like to arrange an in-depth workshop for you and your organization, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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