
Axis: The Benefits of Using Video Surveillance in Small Businesses

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Small business owners work hard. arriving first and leaving last, they usually take their work home with them to make their business as flourishing as attainable. Because of this, several business owners don’t take vacations and, after they do, they spend heaps of time worrying about how things are running in their absence. A serious concern is loss, and also the loss of the devastating effects can have on small businesses. Therefore, professional security solutions should be a prime priority.


One solution that effectively addresses loss is video surveillance. However, there’s a popular misconception that video surveillance is pricey. In truth, there are high-quality, comparatively cheap plug-and-play solutions that don’t need a lot of configuration to get up and running.


Almost all solutions come with a way of accessing video – each life and recorded – remotely from a smartphone or tablet. In an “always-on” world where our phones became our lifeline to heaps of information, a security system should become just as simply accessible. Here I will be able to justify how video surveillance will address several problems related to loss to assist SMBs work smarter, not harder.

Reviewing incidents

High-quality video surveillance systems with robust coverage enable small business owners to go back and find incidents to spot what happened. For example, if one thing goes missing from a business establishment, reviewing the video can reveal precisely what happened and presumably who took what.


Video systems can even be valuable from a liability perspective. Slip-and-fall claims are common, but sometimes prove to be false. Without a video to verify claims, such incidents may well be expensive.


Other examples could be a client who claims they were shortchanged or a supplier who claims to possess delivered three cases but only two are in the storage room. Instead of wasting time counting money in the till or arguing over what has been delivered, a small business owner could merely review video footage to see who is correct.

Checking in

For small business owners with surveillance systems, vacations can be relaxing. Instead of sitting on a beach worrying about their business while they’re away, an owner will use their smartphones to remotely view live or recorded video. That peace of mind is priceless. Also, if one thing was to happen, the business owner would be notified and will then check video footage via the app to determine the source of the problem.

Training and staffing

Video surveillance will help confirm workers follow established policies while maintaining optimum staffing levels.


Small business owners will use video for training purposes if they see that things aren’t being done properly. They will sit down with workers to review the video and explain the right procedures, demonstrate correct techniques or acknowledge workers for a job well done.


Reviewing the video will reveal busy and quieter business times to determine optimal staffing levels. This can help improve customer experience and potentially increase profitability.


Manufacturers usually release firmware updates to safeguard cameras from malware and unauthorized intrusion. If only one device in a system is accessed, all other devices will become vulnerable. With checking for firmware updates not usually high on the daily agenda, it’s no surprise that necessary updates usually go uninstalled.


Today’s advanced video systems go with straightforward updating, that helps guarantee constant protection. Alternative systems are available with auto-updating capabilities, that help takes away the pressure from small business owners to constantly remind themselves about needed updates.

A lasting solution

These are just some of the advantages video surveillance systems provide small business owners. It’s necessary to own the right camera for the right environment. for example, a camera positioned at the rear door of a business should have a good dynamic vary to deal with changing light levels throughout the day. A camera wont to monitors transactions should provide a high resolution to identify bill denominations.


Today’s solutions are cost-effective, simple to use, and provide the flexibility to monitor operations from anywhere at any time – giving small business owners the ability to work smarter, not tougher to grow their bottom line.

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