
Mitel: 5 Steps to Elevate your Contact Center with Contextual Intelligence

5 Steps To Super Charge Your Contact Center With Contextual Intelligence

Contextual communication is the next step up from omnichannel capabilities within the contact center. First, optimize customer service for mobility. Then, digest what’s being said on social media and hear conversations customers normally have on mobile apps using Apple Business Chat, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter. Next, use this valuable intelligence by putting it into context for the customer.


The challenge is that the majority of contact centers are reactive. Somebody reaches out to the contact center, and an employee looks up info to resolve their specific inquiry, however, no account is taken of contextual factors that predetermine the end result.

Five Steps To Contextual Customer Service

It’s time to maneuver away from reactive customer service and leverage your data within the following ways:

1. Be contextual

Take data and apply intelligence to that. give employees the context of why a customer is contacting you in the first place. If a customer has spent the last half-hour with technical support without success, make this info available to organize the employee. A greeting that reflects the fellow feeling, such as, “Hi Joe, I understand you’ve been talking to tech support, however, it looks like you still haven’t got the solution you wish, therefore let me help you” can go a long way toward calming probably inflammatory interactions.

2. Be suggestive

Use the data you have already got to recommend certain kinds of interaction with customers. for instance, seeing that a customer has searched for new cars on your website, then left to look at another brand is a great chance to reel them back in with a response like, “I see you’ve had a problem with your current car. Can we assist you by putting you on a special trade-in program with a three-year free warranty?”

3. Be preemptive

Based on previous interactions, you’ll verify a customer’s preferred communication technique and preempt the way to deal with them the next time around. For example: “Would you prefer me to present you a call at the following number?”

4. Be predictive

You know a customer has bought a pair of shoes from your fashion department, however, did you recognize they also purchased a sofa from homewares? Certify your data and processes are consistent and sufficiently integrated to facilitate joined-up customer responses, together with the opportunity to cross-sell and up-sell different products and services.

5. Contextualize the workforce

Contextualize the workforce by deploying the newest cloud workforce management (WFM) solutions. Use them to make a go-to place for all of your talents and resources and establish the employees who have the very best levels of emotional intelligence to feature context and real value to customer interactions. Offer employees real-time help with unified systems that permit them to visualize when expert assistance is available across the organization, then maximize WFM data to make sure the customer places through to the proper employee, right away.


If you modify the reactive to contextual, suggestive, preemptive, and predictive, you gain bigger control and each employee and customers benefit from a superior experience. Consider contextual the new, supercharged omnichannel.

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