Vendors’ Top-notch Wi-Fi Put to the Test
In March 2021, a third-party independent consultant, Packet6, conducted a study on cloud-managed Wi-Fi 6 access points (APs). The organization placed five cloud-managed, 4-stream APs under strain in an authentic, high-density setting.
Under synchronous data, voice, and video demand from 60 customers, only the CommScope Ruckus AP achieved enterprise-grade service standards. The analysis challenged each out-of-the-box AP to handle and concentrate on traffic associated with 30 Wi-Fi 6 laptop consumers streaming 1080p video; 20 Wi-Fi 5 laptop consumers and five Wi-Fi 5 tablets downloading data; and five Wi-Fi 5 tablets running simulated bi-directional Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls.
Ruckus R750 was the only AP that provided stall-free video to all 30 consumers and provided a “good” mean opinion score (MOS) to the VoIP clients. Simultaneously, it was also able to deliver nearly twice the throughput of the other APs.
Key Aspects of the Study
- Network throughput is a measure of the aggregate data traffic flowing between the AP and all of the clients in the network. A higher number is better, as it indicates that the AP can accommodate more users, devices, and applications. With 441 Mbps, Ruckus achieved the highest quantity among the others.
- Voice mean opinion score (MOS) is a commonly used measure of user-perceived voice quality during a PSTN or VoIP call. The higher the score, the higher the call quality. A high-performing network prioritizes voice traffic over other data traffic to ensure good call quality. Ruckus earned the highest once again with a score of 4.12 over 5.
- Stall-free streaming video – Streaming video and other video formats are common in work and school environments. When videos stall, it creates a poor user experience and may result in extra IT work. The score indicates the number of videos, out of 30, that were delivered without stalling. Ruckus was able to deliver a consistent perfect score before and after the test.
- Mean time to identify (MTTI) is the time a network administrator needs to determine the root cause of a network issue or incident. A shorter average MTTI reduces the troubleshooting burden on IT while improving user experience by allowing IT to more effectively limit incident duration and impact. For this test, Ruckus was able to succeed with the fastest time of 2.3 minutes.
Clearly, Ruckus Wi-Fi 6 access points have advanced to meet business demands every day for every user.
To add to the findings mentioned above, we would like to help make things easier for you when you upgrade your WLAN. Allow us to present to you the rundown of the advantages that Ruckus brings to the table.
Three Benefits of Ruckus to Your WLAN
1. Ruckus gives an excellent user experience.
Ruckus Cloud is an AI-empowered network management-as-a-service program that enables IT to produce exceptional user experience in an uncomplicated manner. It has the ability to adapt to more users, devices, and traffic. It can also meet the requirements of every client application and endure demanding environments.
2. Ruckus allows your network to run smoothly.
Ruckus Cloud permits IT to minimize unplanned downtime and troubleshoot with speed and precision. Because of this, IT can consistently measure and satisfy the SLAs. Ruckus also utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) to recognize and focus on troublesome issues.
3. Ruckus empowers you to manage simpler.
With its one user interface for your converged, multi-site network, you can enable employees of all skill and experience levels to manage the WLAN. There is now no need to be burdened over managing the status of your network or over checking whether the issues that come in are critical or not due to the AI/ML-powered analytics and its comprehensive network visibility.
Ruckus Simplifies and Delivers Where Others Do Not
Ruckus has proven to survive and thrive under demanding conditions. With Ruckus, reliable Wi-Fi connectivity, which also has the power to support more users and devices, is now within your reach.