
ICTip #9: Support Options

When selecting a firewall vendor, you have a few important things to remember when it comes to support options.


Do you need multilinguallast-tier (most advanced technically), 24/7 technical support? If so, can the vendor supply it? What is the cost? Don’t forget to ask how high the support calls can go: 24/7 access to a low-level support representative is not the same as being able to get to the last tier during a time of crisis. Find out by asking your local support or distributor.


#ICTipsByMEC #ICTMonth2017


— Ronald Penagunda, Solutions Architect


We distribute:


Fortinet • Sonicwall


ICT Month is celebrated every month of June, a celebration commenced in 2008. This is in accordance with Proclamation No. 1521 (series of 2008), which declares that “THE MONTH OF JUNE 2008 AND EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER AS “NATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT)” MONTH”. The conduct of this event is to recognize the contributions of ICT as one of the major sectors for economic growth and, as such, has resolved to fully implement a national ICT program that shall optimize the utilization of ICT.

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